Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tappin' Out...Detox Day 14 :-(

Yes...This is a photo of my much missed coffee with some of the homemade Maine maple syrup that my son made over the weekend.  I can't even begin to tell you how much this was needed and missed.  I made it through two weeks of the Detox program and after an extremely stressful weekend, I decided that I've had enough.

I'm a bit bummed and feel a bit like a failure that I couldn't make the 21 days, but I just have to forgive myself, understand that 2 weeks detoxing is better than nothing, and move on.  The commitment, deprivation, and missing out on a social lunch/dinner date was really starting to impact my life (and happiness).  I found myself snapping at my family members, having no energy, no motivation and no patience!!  It's a very, very difficult routine to stick to.  The amount of prep was the biggest drawback.  Tons and tons of planning, (cutting, slicing, dicing, pre cooking, etc.) just for ME.  Then having to do it all over again for my family's meals was taking a toll on my day and my budget!!

So, what I've decided to do is eliminate the dairy, keep my sugar consumption to natural (honey or maple) only, minimal grains and drink all the coffee I want!  LOL  I'm hoping that continuing to eat healthier by using the guidelines I've learned will be easier for me to incorporate back into eating with my family again.  I really miss that.  I felt really "segregated", at times eating by myself because I had to cook my own meals after theirs.

This has been a very interesting ride, one that I would (maybe) do again but not to the extreme as this one.

I thank anyone who followed along with me to see if it's something you'd like to try.  You can plainly see it's a big dedication and struggle, but it's all worth it to help your body become healthier.  I do firmly believe that any detox (whether it be a month, a week or a few days) is better than none at all.  All of our bodies need a break from inflammation and chemicals.  I will continue my favorite part of the detox (the smoothies) for breakfast and keep in touch on how my numbers are doing too!!

Thanks for following!!

Callily (while sipping my amazing organic coffee!!) :-)

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