Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Coffee cravings...Detox Day 3

Woke up today to over 14 inches of snow!  My daughter actually had school, but I had to call her out because I could not get out of my driveway!  Completely snowed in!  Luckily, hubby came back mid day from his all night plowing gig and he and my son got us all plowed, shoveled and snowblowed!  This crazy March weather is insane!  Less than a week until Spring!  I cannot wait for sunny days and flowers!

Today's cravings are just COFFEE.  What I wouldn't give for just a nice, piping hot cup of coffee right now........sigh.

Breakfast was a typical smoothie, just changed up the ingredients a bit.  I made it quite late (10:00) due to my daughter and I sleeping in, and here it is 2:30 and I'm not at all hungry :-)  I have chicken salad for lunch but I'm really not hungry right now so I'm going to hold off.  Dinner is a crockpot stew recipe that is jammed with veggies and kale.

I'm surprised my energy level is pretty good considering I'm running on zero caffeine....that's surprising.  I do not feel as "puffy" and "bloated"--I'm guessing this is from not eating any dairy.  My body hates dairy.  I've always had issues with cheese, eggs and milk.  Kills my asthma and my gut.  But, I'm always trying to sneak dairy in someplace because I just love the flavors.....Hopefully this detox will help me keep it out of my diet for good.  Hopefully.

Well, that's about all there is to report today.  Did I mention I really would love a coffee?? ;-)

Until tomorrow,


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