Thursday, March 23, 2017

Groundhog Days... Detox Days 9, 10, & 11

Groundhog Day.  Yeah, I know it was over a month ago, but that's what I feel like I've been living this past week and a half.  It's been the longest 10 days ever.  EVER.

I'm not starving.  I'm just bored.  I'm missing my flavorful, fun, comfort foods.  The coffee is the hardest still.  It's SO hard to not have my morning cup of "Joe"!

I've made quite a few recipes (most of which seem very Paleo-esque), and I've liked a couple of them.  But most of them leave me wanting more "flavor"--or are missing something that I just cannot put my finger on. I find myself reaching for condiments lately (ketchup, mustard, a dressing, etc...) of which I'm not allowed.  Didn't realize how much I look to them to add "flavor" to my dishes.  Funny, it's the little things that you miss.  Little things that make a BIG difference in/on your food.  Cannot wait to be able to add more dimension to my plate again!

 This Detox is much, much harder that I ever thought it would be!  It says I would have more energy, but I feel dragged.  Not sure if its from missing my foods, detoxing, caffeine withdrawals or what, but I'm definitely not energized.  Maybe next week I will see some major transformation!.....hopefully.

I meant to add that I did make it through St. Patrick's Day without my beloved Guinness last Friday while at the mountain.  Coincidentally, I got an email from my nutritionist on the way up stating that I can have a small glass of dark red wine if I was desperate.  I got desperate and really, really, REALLY enjoyed my whopping 4 ounce cup of cabernet...LOL.  It was a great treat and helped me cope with all the green beers being passed around the pub that night :-)

Another busy weekend on tap!  My daughter has a dance competition on Sunday.  All day.  Not sure how I'm going to manage lugging all my detox foods with me, but I'll have to cope somehow.  Until then, enjoy this freezing spring day!


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