Monday, March 13, 2017

Detox - Day 1

I have been looking forward to, and dreading this day all at once if that's possible!  LOL  21 days of no coffee, alcohol, sugars and grains as part of this spring "Detox".  And let me tell you, I will miss all four of those components, in that exact order.  Can't imagine how I'm going to get through St. Patrick's Day without my "Cheers to the Irish" pint of Guinness :-(  But, it should all be worth it in the end.....a healthier me and a cleaner me!  Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm a "Detox Newbie"...I've never done this before!  Feel free to check in on my progress if you're a newbie too and afraid to try a Detox!  I will be writing my honest feedback on how I'm feeling and all that jazz!!

I ran around like a crazy woman at the Whole Foods yesterday trying to gather up my produce for the week.  I think everyone else is either 1.) Detoxing at the same time or 2.)  preparing for the blizzard and buying up food like it's armageddon!  The place was packed with people and all the produce was picked over/gone!! Crazy!

So far, Day 1 is going pretty well.  I had a jam-packed smoothie for breakfast that included everything but the kitchen sink in it!  I would say it kept me feeling pretty full for a few hours.  I'm not normally a "breakfast person", with oatmeal being the only choice if I do have it at all.  I'm used to smoothies so it's not too much of what I'd consider a loss.  Now, If you're the eggs and bacon type breakfast eater, this may be a struggle from day 1...(just sayin') ;-)

I was supposed to have made a special Vegan Artichoke Dip for snacking with veggies, but forgot the artichokes!  So, no mid morning snack :-(.  Made a Yogi Tea with the recommended "coconut manna" rather than my usual honey, and that was a tough one.  I really am going to miss my raw honey...not sure if I'm loving the floating oil in my tea, honestly.  It's definitely something I'll have to get used to.

The lunch for the day was chicken salad lettuce wraps-- the one big hardship I'm noticing is the amount of cooking/prep that is required.  I will probably look ahead and try to prep and get most of these recipes ready because I feel like I spent all morning slicing and dicing just for lunch!

It's now mid day and I'm not feeling starved.  I'm on my 2nd large bottle of water with lemon.  So far, so good.  Granted, by this time tomorrow, I may be ready to rip someones face off, but that remains to be seen!  LOL  I'd say this Detox newbie is doing pretty well!!  Until tomorrow....

ta ta,


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