Saturday, March 25, 2017

Skin Deep...Detox Days 12 & 13

After nearly two weeks of detoxing, I'm starting to see some results in a few areas.  The biggest being my skin.  Normally, I have VERY sensitive skin that breaks out easily.  I suffer from environmental allergies and a vitamin E allergy (which is in nearly EVERYTHING)--so, I go most days with some sort of itchiness, blotchiness or redness someplace on my body.  But....I've noticed these past few days that my skin is noticeably clearer.....everywhere!  This definitely has to do with the detox.  It's a proven fact that sugars, grains, dairy and such cause inflammation in your body.  Now I need to find out what is bothering me the most and try to eliminate it.  Time for a food journal!!

The second area is that of weight loss.  I've lost a total of 7 pounds so far.  Granted, I'm eating mostly veggies all day and a smoothie.  I admit I'd be pretty bummed if I didn't see some sort of weight loss during all of this deprivation.  LOL  Keeping it off is another story altogether....

It's been nearly a week of chicken soup for lunch.  I'm not sure if I'll ever eat chicken soup again....

Tonight I get to have a nice piece of Wild Salmon!  I'm really looking forward to it!!

One more week to go!  Cannot wait for that cup of coffee!!!!!!

Have a great day!


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