Thursday, May 21, 2015

Back to basics...

Had my annual visit with my doctor and got my latest cholesterol results.  283.  lovely.  So, back on the meds I go....

I am determined to be off the meds by September (my next blood draw)--So, I have done a bunch of googling and research to see what is actually the best diet to adopt for these few months.  My local naturopath feels that a vegan diet is not the way to go (feels it causes too much inflammation...not sure why)--and obviously it's not helping me much because my numbers have really not moved.  My triglycerides were 100 and thats the highest they have ever been for me...I'm usually in the 40-60 range.  So, I need to make a desperate change.

From the reading I've done online, it appears I need to remove all sugar from my diet, along with wheat/breads and anything processed.  So, this is what I'm trying to do.  I guess it's sort of a combo paleo-gluten free kind of deal.  I've also added a green spinach smoothie to my daily routine, and trying to be sure to finish all my dreaded oatmeal every day.

These first couple of weeks have been hell.  I'm going through a massive sugar withdrawal.   I'm allowing myself to sweeten things with stevia, which seems to be the safest out there (for now), and I'm not all that jazzed up about the flavor.  But, it's better than nothing I guess......

Looking for some great paleo, low fat or gluten free recipes that are tried and true.  If you have any, feel free to share with me!!

Ta ta,


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