Friday, July 25, 2014

Homemade Foaming Soap

Since it's been awhile since I've blogged a DIY recipe, I thought I'd post this creation that I literally use every day in my house.  It is made with Dr. Bronner's liquid soap and can be used for simply washing your hands, doing dishes, washing your face, you name it!  I've washed my babies with this soap, my pets, my laundry, I could go on and on....((Huge fan right here!!))

Those that know me well, know that I purged my home of ALL products from that famous Mall Store that has all the great smelly lotions and soaps for sale.  I admit, I was a lover of that store and  their products, ......until I educated myself about the chemicals inside them.  But, I did keep the handy-dandy foam soap dispenser containers to refill and make with my own (safe) soap.  Here's how I do it:

First:  Clean out and old "foaming" soap container.  Must have the special top that makes it foam or all you will get is liquid water when you pump it! ;-)

Second:  Find your soap of choice.  I use Dr. Bronner's Peppermint for almost everything because I love the scent.  But, you can use any liquid soap you choose.

Third:  Pour the liquid soap into the container.  As you can see, you do NOT need much, maybe a few tablespoons... ****this is very important!  if you use too much soap, it will clog the dispenser and not work correctly at all, LESS is more for this one*****

Lastly, slowly fill with water and twist the top back on.  Pump a few times and VIOLA!  Foaming soap!!  Works every time!  I've been reusing this bottle for ages!!
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Bronner soaps, you can click HERE.

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