Wednesday, May 9, 2018

SSRI's & Weight Gain. How Can A Stress Relieving Pill Make Me More Stressed???!!

Hi Bloggers!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted on my wellness journey.  Even better, it’s been over a year since I tried that DETOX that I tried back last spring!  How fast a year flies by!

This year has brought a LOT of challenges to me mentally and physically as well.  I thought I’d blog about it in hopes that I can help someone else going through the same type of issues.

First being:  The dreaded WEIGHT GAIN.  Now, normally, I am the type of person that tends to stay within 5-10 pounds of what I would consider my “normal weight”.  But ever since I hit 45 years old, that has flown right off the table like a hurricane at a picnic.  It is very frustrating and mentally draining.

Secondly:  My dad got very, very ill during the holidays and was hospitalized for over 3 months, all of which I visited daily along with my brother, never knowing if he’d make it home.  The stress alone caused me so much anxiety that I ended up on a dreaded SSRI drug to help ease the stress and anxiety. At the time, it did the job and helped me get through each day.

If anyone has taken these types of drugs to help with stress, etc. than you know where I’m going with this.  As days passed, I found myself RAVENOUS, constantly hungry and very, very tired all the time.  I didn’t notice too much of a change until I went to put on a pair of my favorite jeans one night and couldn’t get them past my hips! (gasp! What the……?)

 I hopped on the scale, and there it was, that awful number staring at me and I quickly had flashbacks of the scale at my midwives’ office (yes, midwife! As in pregnancy weight!).   That was my breaking point, and from then on I started to wean off the meds.

I thought that after they cleared my system, I would just drop those extra 15 pounds pretty quick.  Stupid me.  Here I am, 3 months after stopping and I have NOT lost one pound of that extra medicine-induced weight.  Yay.

To say that these SSRI’s do not change your metabolism is a joke, they most certainly did (for me anyway).  They also made me crave everything carb loaded in the house.  It’s just a terrible vicious cycle that is very hard to break!

I am beyond frustrated.  I have added an extra cardio workout to my schedule each week, along with daily Yoga practice.  Been eating as healthy as I can and still….NADA.  This has never happened to me before.  I am actually considered overweight on the BMI scale! YIKES!!

SO…..If anyone has been in my shoes, please feel free to tell me your story and what worked for you!  I would love to know that my metabolism is not ruined forever due to these toxic drugs!! I will never, never, never try them again.  I am proof that supplements and aminos work just as well (maybe better!)—if you want to know what I’m currently taking, feel free to ask me and I’ll share.  I am due for my cholesterol profile in less than a month and I am genuinely scared to see the results of the damage this has done to my heart health :-(

Another note:  I’m not trying to bash anyone that is currently on an SSRI.  I took them in the past (in my 20’s) and they literally changed my life back then.  They do work wonders for the right people, just not me.  If it works for you, then keep doing what your doing!  I just needed a plan B and fast.  I cannot afford to be this heavy with the heart disease that runs rampant in my family.  I forgot to mention that my dad was hospitalized for a major heart attack requiring multiple bypass and also a aortic aneurysm, that he barely lived through.  I do not want to be a statistic.  I want to me healthy and happy!!

Be well!