Thursday, April 13, 2017

2+ weeks post detox update!

Hello to my faithful followers!!  I'm so excited to see that spring is finally showing up heyah in Maine!  The past week has seen some temps nearing 80, and I'm just loving it!  It's been a long, cold, dreary winter!!  We've received our semi-annual flock of baby chicks and they are in the brooding house peeping like crazy.  By the fall, we will be moving our (much older) hens out and will have new layers.  A big perk to eating healthy!  Cannot beat the nutritional difference in a FREE RANGE EGG!  (NOTE:  Not cage free here--our birds forage on acres of pasture daily!!  BIG DIFFERENCE when it comes to the egg!)--Now that the ground is soft, they are already digging up creatures to devour!  We've been told our eggs are rich & the taste cannot be compared to a store bought (sweatshop) egg!  We are currently trying to move onto completely organic feed (or at least GMO free) in the near future!

It's been a little over 2 weeks since stopping my detox plan and I will say that I have been doing a really great job implementing some of the eating habits that I learned on the way.  As you know, I've been enjoying my morning cup of coffee everyday and that just boosted my mood instantly.  Not sure how some people can say that coffee is no good, etc...I find it to be the most favorite part of my daily routine!  The smell, the warmth, the's all good!

As far as food goes:  I've been making healthy choices and still making my own meals (unless it's something my daughter will eat)--mostly stews and soups that I can enjoy for a couple days at a time.  Keeping it mostly grain/carb free with lots of flavor.  Eating out, I've been enjoying salads with lots of salsa/guacamole or pre making a new salad dressing that I've been wanting to try.  Being prepared is (again) the biggest advice I can give.  Been keeping alcohol to a minimum while I"m still trying to reach my goal weight --my choices have been dark red wine, silver tequila with lime and soda.  Beer I'm just saving for "on tap"...meaning restaurant only (like fountain Coke vs. a bottle--yuk!).  No beer at home (which used to be a regular thing on weekends or special dinners with friends).  The alcohol will quickly kill your diet, and fast!

My weight since detoxing has plateaued a bit.  1.4 pound gain last week :-(  Hopeing to get out more in between my dance classes to burn some extra calories!!

For my gardening friends!  Now is the time to start some seeds indoors if you like.  If you have a sunny window, get those herbs going!!  It's a fun and easy project, especially if you want strictly organic herbs!!

Well, I'm onto my DD's parent teacher conferences!!

Enjoy the sun!

Be well,
